Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Back to Amsterdam

On the way back we decided to go a different way. The paths were so well marked we had no trouble at all and even cut 7kms off our outward journey. We stopped for lunch along a random canal with a single row of houses and plump cows in the field below. I still find it strange when I see the height of the canal and then the height of the fields below it.
As we tucked into our saucisson and cheese sandwiches a man walked by with his dog and said hello.
"You like?" he asked as we gazed upon the bovine. It was clear he hoped for more meaningful conversation but his English wasn't particularly strong and our Dutch was non-existent. P2 voiced her genuine appreciation of the cows. We exchanged the basics in awkward halting conversation and he walked back to his house two doors down.

Ah well, that was that we thought. But no, he startled us by coming back for more.
"Before, this was all lake. In 1603 they built pumps. Now they have motors. My neighbour, he works at the pumps." Cool, now we were getting somewhere. After giving a brief history of his home town he ended as suddenly as he began, with a wave. We smiled back, stood there for a little longer to finish our apples but felt it was best to end the friendly awkwardness and move on.

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